It can be quite challenging to remain an impartial observer when you sit in a hall of mirrors, face to face with your pain, fear, shame, guilt, and other unwelcome but familiar internal visitors. Mindfulness offers a space to step outside of this parade of mental wounds, aversion, and fantasies, and simply observe their origins as they come and go.
Difficulties are the doorway to inner resources that are infinite.
They are the key to inner peace and contentment.
Learning to say YES to exploring everything - thoughts, emotions, sensations, and mental processes can lead to an inner knowing how to work with and cope with stressful situations, improve self esteem, to find more ease and contentment in all of life, both the pleasant and unpleasant aspects.
Difficulties are the doorway to inner resources that are infinite.
They are the key to inner peace and contentment.
Learning to say YES to exploring everything - thoughts, emotions, sensations, and mental processes can lead to an inner knowing how to work with and cope with stressful situations, improve self esteem, to find more ease and contentment in all of life, both the pleasant and unpleasant aspects.